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Apatite mine

  • From Sky to Sea: Exploring the Tranquil Hues of Blue Apatite

    Some Apatite mining has negative social and environmental impacts if not managed properly. Irresponsible mining may damage habitats, pollute water, and exploit mineworkers. Seek fair trade stones when possible. Ethical sourcing supports safe and sustainable mining practices. Or look for Apatite from vintage or estate collections for a ...

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  • Nomenclature of the apatite supergroup minerals

    The apatite supergroup includes minerals with a generic chemical formula IX M1 2 VII M2 3 (IV TO 4) 3 X (Z = 2); chemically they can be phosphates, arsenates, vanadates, silicates, and sulphates. The maximum space group symmetry is P6 3 /m, but several members of the supergroup have a lower symmetry due to cation ordering and …

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  • Apatite | Phosphate, Calcium & Fluoride | Britannica

    Apatite, any member of a series of phosphate minerals, the world's major source of phosphorus, found as variously coloured glassy crystals, masses, or nodules. If not for its softness (Mohs hardness 5, compared with the 7 …

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  • Apatite ore mine tailings as an amendment for remediation …

    This study investigated the use of tailings from apatite ore beneficiation in the remediation of a heavily contaminated shooting range soil. The tailings originating in Siilinjärvi carbonatite complex, Finland, consist of apatite residues accompanied by phlogopite and calcite. In a pot experiment, o …

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  • High-Grade REE accumulation in regolith: Insights from …

    Regional geology. The Kapunda Cu mine is located 80 km north of Adelaide, South Australia, within the highly deformed metasediments of the Neoproterozoic to middle-Cambrian intracontinental Adelaide Rift Complex (Fig. 1) (Foden et al. 1999; Preiss 2000; Wingate et al. 1998).Early rift sediments of the Warrina Supergroup consist …

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  • Apatite

    Apatite, Panasquiera Mine, Barroca Grande, Covilha, Castelo Branco District, Portugal, small-cabinet, 7.8 x 7.1 x 3.6 cm, A significant apatite from the most important European locale: Apatite from the Panasqueira Mine is justly famous as among the best examples of the species., For sale from The Arkenstone, For …

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  • Apatite: A Mineral for All Seasons

    Apatite-group minerals are the dominant phosphates in the geosphere and biosphere. They are found in virtually all rock types as the principal sink for phosphorus and fluorine, and in many cases yttrium and the rare earth …

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  • Introduction to Apatites

    Apatite is the generic name, which was first introduced by German geologist A.G. Werner. These minerals and their synthetic analogs represent a major class of ionic compounds and the most common crystalline form of calcium phosphates, which are of interest of many industrial branches and scientific disciplines. Since, apatite …

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  • Apatite Trace Element Compositions: A Robust New Tool for …

    Apatites from mineral deposits are characterized by higher Ca and correspondingly lower total contents of trace elements that partition onto the Ca sites (rare earth elements …

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  • Photo Gallery: Pulsifer Quarry & Dionne extension, West Mount Apatite

    Pulsifer Quarry & Dionne extension, West Mount Apatite Mining District, Auburn, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA Dimensions: 8 mm x 4 mm x 4 mm A superb violet coloured gemmy Apatite from Maine, USA. Though very small, this is an exquisite crystal with wonderful colour, excellent lustre and a well formed crystal shape. Size: 8mm x …

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  • Adsorption of uranium from uranium mine contaminated …

    Adsorption of uranium (U) from real mine contaminated water (U 1.652 mg/L) by phosphate rock apatite (PRA) was investigated in the batch experiment and flow column test system.In batch experiment, the equilibrium adsorption amount is 0.1133 mg/g with the highest uranium removal efficiency of 76.89% under the ratio of solid to liquid (1:100) in …

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  • Mt. Apatite Park

    Mount Apatite Park is located at 64 Mt. Apatite Road in Auburn. It's a 325-acre wooded park located in the western portion of the city. The park offers a wide variety of recreational opportunities not often found in municipal …

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  • Apatite from Yates Mine, Otter Lake, Pontiac RCM, …

    Report (issue) MINERALS FOR THE COLLECTOR Geological Survey of Canada Miscellaneous Report 48 Ottawa to North Bay and... Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada Geological Survey of Canada Miscellaneous Report... Queen in Right of Canada 2007 Catalogue No. M41-8/48E ISBN 0-660-19556-9 …

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  • Mt. Apatite

    Lots of mica and different kinds of rock, haven't found any tourmaline yet but I often see people up there with mining gear finding things. Good luck! Also, if you drive around the back side of the mountain on Hatch Rd. then turn into Mine Rd. of Small rd. there is a trail that goes up to the top and connects all around there with a system of ...

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  • Minerals from Mt. Apatite's Maine Feldspar Quarry

    Maine Feldspar Quarry, East Mount Apatite Mining District, Auburn, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA. Many parallel rhombs are displayed on this large quartz floater. The smoky streaks appear to be the result of radiation burns. All other fractured surfaces show signs of healing / recrystallization. In addition, the underside (not shown) has a ...

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  • Photo Gallery: Sapo mine, Ferruginha, Conselheiro Pena, …

    Sapo mine, Ferruginha, Conselheiro Pena, Minas Gerais, Brazil Dimensions: 11.4 cm x 9 cm x 2.4 cm 11.4 x 9.0 x 2.4 cm. These remarkable and unusual apatite-(CaOH) specimens were really the only major new find at the …

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  • Structurally bound S2−, S1−, S4+, S6+ in terrestrial apatite: …

    The Phillips mine apatite grains are characterized as fluorapatite, containing on average 2.4 wt% F, 0.5 wt% Cl and 0.86 wt% OH*, where OH* was calculated based on stoichiometry (see Table 1 and Fig. 8; Fig. S4; Hughes and Rakovan, 2015, Ketcham, 2015). However, we stress that these calculations provide conservative (maximum) …

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  • U–Pb and Th–Pb dating of apatite by LA-ICPMS

    Barfod et al. (2005) have dated apatite by the Lu–Hf and 207 Pb/ 206 Pb stepwise leaching methods from the Yates Mine locality in the Otter Lake region, where apatite specimens typically take the form of dark-green – brown, long hexagonal prisms with pyramidal terminations set in a hydrothermally altered, salmon-pink calcite matrix.

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  • Apatite | Properties, Occurrence, Uses

    Apatite is a mineral that is composed of calcium phosphate, with the chemical formula Ca5(PO4)3(OH,F,Cl). It is a member of the apatite group of minerals, …

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  • Minerals | Free Full-Text | Titanite Ores of the …

    Geological setting and mineral composition of (apatite)-nepheline-titanite ore from the Khibiny massif enable selective mining of titanite ore, and its processing with sulfuric-acid method, without …

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  • Apatite (Forestry)

    Apatite is a dark blue-ish gem added by the Forestry mod, and is obtained via mining Apatite Ore.. After version 2.00 of Forestry apatite will be naturally spawned in much larger veins of up to 48 blocks, similar to silver ore from …

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  • The apatite Mineral Group

    Apatite describes a group of similar isomorphous hexagonal phosphate minerals. The primary Apatite group includes Fluorapatite, Chlorapatite, and Hydroxylapatite. The …

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  • Mount Apatite

    Today amateurs may still search the mine tailings for Apatite, Tourmaline, and Quartz specimens (specific rules apply). With assistance from a Land and Water Conservation Fund matching grant, five kilometers (3.1 miles) of multi-purpose trails were constructed in the summer of 1994 within the park to serve all outdoor enthusiasts.

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  • Sustainability and Mining: The Case of the Kola Peninsula

    The mining companies operating in both these municipalities are extracting and processing apatite and nepheline concentrates from the world class deposits in the area. The company Apatit JSC was established in 1929 as a state enterprise, but has been a joint stock company since 1993 and is currently owned by Moscow based …

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  • Apatite Gemstone Information

    Natural Apatite Gemstones Introduction. There is a story told of a little boy digging in the sand near an old gold mine in Southern Madagascar unearthing a bright blue gemstone the color of a swimming pool. There …

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  • Apatite: The Versatile Mineral Behind Fertilizers, Gems, and …

    Apatite's primary use is in the production of phosphate fertilizers, making it an essential mineral for global agriculture. It is also used in the production of phosphoric …

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  • Apatite enrichment by rare earth elements: A review of the …

    Froth flotation of apatite is one of the main methods of mining the mineral from host ores [61]. Selecting the correct reagents is important in optimizing the process. As each deposit is composed of many different minerals, many studies have been conducted on apatite to identify the optimum conditions for separating from a specific mineral mix ...

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    APATITE 01915 Locality. Cerro de Mercado Mine, Mun. de Durango, Mexico. Dimensions (H x W x D) 5.6 x 5.5 x 5.4 cm. Weight. 171 g. Description & Provenance. Apatite is a group of phosphate minerals that get their name from the Greek word "apatein," which means "to deceive or mislead" because of their similarity to other …

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  • Apatite Group: Mineral information, data and localities.

    Belovitovoye pegmatite, Kirovskii apatite mine at Mt. Kukisvumchorr, 0: 293: 0020469: Pieczkaite: Tait K, Ball N A, Hawthorne F C (2015) Pieczkaite, ideally Mn5(PO4)3Cl, a new apatite-supergroup mineral from Cross Lake, Manitoba, Canada: Description and crystal structure American Mineralogist 100 1047-1052:

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    In apatite mine of Andhra Phosphate (Pvt.) Ltd, manual mining was carried out by developing benches along the strike length, following the dip of ore body, and by lateral developments of levels along the strike. A mineral treatment plant at Srungavarapukota, about 20 km from the apatite mine

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