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mining companies peninsula

  • Eagle | Lundin Mining Corporation

    The underground mine will be developed using the room-and-pillar mining method with an estimated average processing rate of 6,800 metric tonnes per day. Facilities on site will …

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  • The No. 2 Quincy Shaft-Rockhouse: 9,240 Feet into the Earth …

    On the Keweenaw Peninsula, about 400 mining companies operated between 1872 and 1920.1 People at Quincy Mine called the company "Old Reliable" because it was so successful. The company paid stockholders every year between 1868 and 1920. When the mine peaked in 1910, it had produced about 458,000,000 pounds of copper.2 Part of …

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  • Proposed copper mine in Upper Peninsula gets …

    Two months after being tabled due to a lack of dedicated financing, plans to launch a new copper mine in the Upper Peninsula are moving forward with initial approval of a $50 million state...

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  • Proposed copper mine in Upper Peninsula gets $50M boost …

    Two months after being tabled due to a lack of dedicated financing, plans to launch a new copper mine in the Upper Peninsula are moving forward with initial approval of a $50 million state grant.. The board of the Michigan Strategic Fund voted on Tuesday to advance the proposed project to launch a Canadian-owned copper mining operation in …

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  • Keweenaw Peninsula

    1997 Mining History Association Field Trip. Quincy Mine and Smelter. Hancock, Michigan. June 6, 1997 (Reconstructed 2020) The Quincy Mining Company was formed in 1846 from two predecessor companies, the Portage Mining Company and the Northwestern Mining Company. It was named for Quincy, MA, in recognition of its Boston investors.

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  • Quincy Mining Company Historic District | MiPlace

    It was the first company to recognize the limits of fissure mining and shift to amygdaloid beds, which, with the conglomerate lodes, were the low mineral-content rock upon which the future of the copper range district of the Keweenaw Peninsula depended. The company earned the title "Old Reliable" for a fifty-four-year sequence of dividends paid ...

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  • New Upper Peninsula copper mine awarded $50M grant

    The Michigan Strategic Fund awarded a $50 million grant to Highland Copper Company to support the $425 million Copperwood Mine in Gogebic County.

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  • Undermining the Upper Peninsula

    The Canadian company envisions a renewed copper mining district as they simultaneously explore the Keweenaw Peninsula and work to additionally acquire the former White Pine Mine near Ontonagon.

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  • Copperwood Project

    It is a lower capital intensity project with a projected 10.7-year mine life that can rapidly reach commercial production, making it an ideal first project for the company. The project property is located on the Western Upper Peninsula of Michigan, approximately 14 miles (22.5 kilometers) north of Wakefield.

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  • Explore Upper Peninsula Mines and Mine Museums

    By the Depression, though, falling ore prices and industry changes forced most UP mines to close, triggering a mass exodus from company towns. Quincy Mine. Located in the Keweenaw Peninsula's largest modern town of Hancock, Quincy Mine ran for 99 years and was dubbed Old Reliable for consistent profitability.

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  • Eagle Mine | Nickel & Copper Mining in Michigan's Upper …

    An underground, high-grade nickel and copper mine located in western Marquette County of Michigan's Upper Peninsula. The mine is expected to produce 440 million pounds of nickel, 429 million pounds of copper, and trace amounts of other minerals over its …

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  • Calumet and Hecla Mining Companies Geological Map …

    Company in Michigan's Keweenaw Peninsula. Includes geological maps of surface and underground mines and properties owned by the company as well as properties owned by other entities. Also includes some ... Inc. and Quincy Mining Company Project Records MS-109 Calumet and Hecla Consolidated Copper

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  • Home

    A U.S.-based Supply Chain Solution to Meet the Tech Sectors' Rising Graphite Demand. Graphite One Inc. has defined America's largest high-quality graphite deposit – Graphite Creek, situated on the Seward Peninsula about 60 kilometers north of Nome: A potential long-life source of supply for the second link in Graphite One's …

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  • Subanens, officials protest looming open-pit mining in

    Villanueva, who met with the mayor and the Timoays, said what the mining company has is an April 25, 2022, exploration permit issued by the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) in the Zamboanga ...

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  • Talon mining company begins western UP exploration for …

    Tesla is one such partner. Talon says grades of up to 7.4% nickel have been found in the land package. "The Upper Peninsula of Michigan is very fascinating from a geological standpoint," Mayer ...

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  • Mining equipment company on Peninsula investing $72M …

    Mining Equipment is investing more than $72 million to expand its operations in Hampton and Newport News. WAVY Norfolk Mining equipment company on Peninsula investing $72M for expansion

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  • Explore Upper Peninsula Mines and Mine …

    More than 400 companies staked claims in the area as people began flooding into a wilderness previously valued only by fur traders and loggers. Immigrants from more than 30 nations came for mining jobs and stayed …

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  • Australia Company Targets 85 Million Pounds Of

    This month's ban by Washington has spurred domestic development of nuclear fuel for reactors and led to many uranium mining companies to restart production in Wyoming and elsewhere. Uranium spot prices hit $107 per pound in early February but have since backed off to about $91 a pound as of Monday, according to Atlanta-based …

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  • Graphite Creek Project, Alaska

    Graphite One Resources' fully owned Graphite Creek Mine is located in Seward Peninsula, 59km north of Nome, Alaska, US. Touted as the biggest flake graphite deposit in the US, the project comprises …

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  • Miner's Tour

    Miner's Tour Deepen the adventure. Rappel into darkness. Duration 2-3 hours Last tour begins at 3:00 PM ET See hours of operation Price Adult: $76 Minimum Age 12 years old Book Online Now! For the Truly Courageous This tour begins the same as our Prospectors Tour, including entering the No. 1 adit to see solid […]

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  • 6 Mine Tours To Uncover Our Past | Upper Peninsula

    It is highly regarded as one of the Keweenaw Peninsula's most productive copper mines. The mine operated until 1920, and reopened for tours in the 1980s. Today, it is actually still open for mining operations in addition to tours. Adventure Mining Company also offers gemstone mining activities, where visitors can search for their own gems in ...

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  • Adventure Mining Company

    The Adventure Mining Company provides a variety of tours that let you experience the history of Upper Michigan firsthand. Located in Ontonagon County at the base of the Keweenaw Peninsula in Michigan's Western Upper Peninsula, the Adventure Mine in Greenland, MI is only a 30 minute drive from Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park.

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  • Troubling new mining developments here and in Michigan

    Changes in the proposals in Michigan's Upper Peninsula are particularly troubling. ... The most recent development is the announcement earlier this month that US mining company Gold Resource Corp. is in the process of purchasing Aquila Resources and its' sole asset the Back Forty proposal. Gold Resource operates a single gold mine …

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  • Keweenaw Peninsula Copper Mines

    Keweenaw Peninsula Copper Mines. Houghton, Michigan. June 8, 1997 (Reconstructed 2020) ... Several other mills were located along Torch Lake including the last mill of the Quincy Mining Company. The town of Lake Linden was the location of the Calumet Stamp Mill (1891-1944) and the Hecla Stamp Mill (1891-1921).The prominent …

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  • Proposed copper mine in Upper Peninsula gets $50M boost …

    The mine's developer, Copperwood Resources Inc., is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Highland Copper Company, a nearly 20-year-old company headquartered in Quebec, Canada.

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  • Iron Ore Facilities :: Cleveland-Cliffs Inc. (CLF)

    Raw Material Operations Hibbing Taconite. Hibbing Taconite Company is located immediately north of the City of Hibbing. Hibbing operations consist of an open-pit truck and shovel mine and a concentrator that utilizes single-stage crushing, autogenous mills, and magnetic separation to produce a magnetite concentrate.

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  • The Nome Discoveries

    John Dexter had an important role in the discovery of gold on the Seward Peninsula, including that of Nome. Dexter came North because of the Omilak silver-lead discovery in the eastern Seward Peninsula in 1880. ... The company, with Lane's Wild Goose Mining Company, was one of two main mining companies in early Nome. The Pioneer …

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  • Keweenaw Industrial Landscapes

    The Keweenaw Peninsula, part of Michigan's Upper Peninsula, extends into Lake Superior and features a highland running its length. The highland, the Lake Superior Copper Range, was the location of several nationally significant mining company ventures and is the current location of Keweenaw National Historical Park.

    WhatsApp: +86 18221755073
  • Peninsula taps investors to restart Lance uranium mine in US

    The company plans to restart production at the mine by late next year. Peninsula Energy managing director and CEO Wayne Heili said: "We are pleased to receive such significant support from many existing and new, high-quality institutional and sophisticated investors, providing us with a large amount of equity to allow completion of …

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  • The Restless Viking: Mining in Michigan

    The railroad construction was built during a harsh winter and by May of 1899 the Champion Mining Company started mining copper along the western shore of the Keeweenau Peninsula. Champion Mining Company was a subsidiary of the Copper Range Consolidation headed by . . . William Alfred Paine. The Champion Mine shaft #4 …

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